SASSA Means Income Source Identified

SASSA applicants must have to stay updated. SASSA Means Income Source Identified whether the applicant is needy or not. The South African Social Security Agency is always here to the help lower and middle classes. They provide a list of grants to them so that they grow from their inferior background. Before accepting the application, SASSA verifies the applicant. To ensure that the applicant’s need of it or this grant is the right of that person or not.

SASSA Means Income Source Identified

SASSA has a complete and strong plan for choosing grant applicants. The officials chooses only those people who have no other source of income and need financial support too. They have strict rules that are fulfilled by the needy only. In this way, no one else can enjoy these financial benefits. The process of SASSA applications is quite different from others. They gather complete data every month so that data becomes updated and only the needy can get the grant. SASSA verifies whether the applicant is eligible or not by these factors. So, let’s talk about SASSA Means Income Source Identified.

Amount of Mean Income Source

SASSA checks your bank account and verifies the amount of money that you receive from other channels. They ensure that your receiving amount is enough for basic needs or not.  Your grant is rejected if you receive more than R624 because such applicants have enough income for basic needs. Such applicants are not eligible for the SRD R350 grant.

SASSA Means Income Source Identified

Frequency of Mean Income Source

As the frequency refers to the no of occurrences, SASSA also checks the frequency of mean income source. It verifies the time duration of your receiving income and ensures how many times you receive the income. If you receive payment regularly that means that your grant application may be rejected.

Nature of Mean Income Source

SASAA also views the applicant’s origin of income with the nature. The nature of income means the income type may be active income, passive income, or portfolio income.

  • Active Income

If you are doing any job and get pay this type of income is also include in active income.

  • Passive Income

The money that you earn with any work may be income from realities or rent.

  • Portfolio Income

The money that you earn in the form of interest after an investment.

Resolving an Income Means Issue

When you apply for the SASSA grant, you must fall on the eligibility criteria and your income is less than the SASSA expected income. This varies according to the grant the income for the foster child grant and SRD grant is different. Generally, we say that if you earn more than R595 then acceptance chances of your grant application are rare. Check the status of your application by following this procedure;

  • Open the SASSA website and scroll for “South African ID holders” then click it and navigate towards the application status. Login to your account by providing your “ID number” and mobile number.
  • Now check the status of your application. If it shows “mean income source identified” then understand it as a rejection. Because this statement clears that your application has been declined.
  • You are the only one who knows the rejection reason. So if your income is less than the required or jobless and it’s just confusion. Then it’s your right to appeal for it. For this navigate towards the application section and appeal for reconsideration of your application.
  • Submit your appeal with the proper and valid reason. SASSA will respond in a few days.


What does means income source identified mean?

The mean income source identified means the financial grant applicant information is verified or not. Does the SASSA ensure that the applicant has no other cause of income? The applicant is unemployed or their monthly income is less than R624 and basic needs are not fulfilled with this income.

What is the source of means income?

A person can earn variously therefore the source of mean income may be employment, rental income, any investment and much more similar.

How do you identify sources of income?

The origin of income is identified by the bank accounts. Every applicant’s bank account is checked to verify whether the transaction that the applicant receives is enough for the basic needs or not. It also verifies the type of income source whether it is active, passive, or portfolio income.

Final Words

SASSA Means Income Source Identified by the above-defined methods. You can easily identify the origin of income by bank transactions. We can also identify the type of income and amount. SASSA verifies whether the applicant has another source of income or not, if yes then it is enough for basic needs or not. Either the income is active income or some other type of income.